Hey, look! I CAN still do Fantastic Friday posts!
Fantastic Thing-that-happened-in-the-past-week #1) Honestly, this past week has been so chock-full of awesome that I'm speechless. I'm back to working on revisions for Stream Pirate. That is all I will say on the subject for now. Muahahaha, suspense.
Thing #2) I bought a new camera. I will have a ceremony to lay my old, crappy one to rest.
Thing #3) Season finale of The Tudors! OhmygoshI'mobsessedwiththisshow.
Okay. Back to working on Stream Pirate revisions. Ahoy!
Yay! New camera! Teehee.
So excited about EVERYTHING! Yay!
Oh, and that video is hilarious. I don't even watch the Tudors, but those girls totally crack me up.
L&L -- They make PopTudors vids for every episode. They're all HILARIOUS.
I wish I had showtime.
It's good to have you back!
Oh man, I so wish I had Showtime. I know I'd be all over The Tudors.
Also, I agree with L&L, those girls were hilarious. :)
I'm off to look at your revisions! (Duh, now that I remember how to find them.)
I'm gonna keep it in my lady pocket!?!?!?!
OMG I just fell out of my chair laughing watching that!!
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