41 surveys. 41! In less than 24 hours! (Even though Chanelley brought to my attention that I didn't actually put a deadline on it...I'm really bad at that.)
You can't see me, but I'm smiling deliriously (see pumpkin picture).
When I first told my professor that I was going to give my survey to my writer friends, he said to be sure that I could first find 30 writer friends. I giggled. This is why -- you guys always come through, and you always come through in the GREATEST WAY POSSIBLE.
For that reason, I have UPPED THE PRIZES to show my appreciation.
(Yep, still in that CAPS LOCK mood.)
Anyhoo, here are your NEWLY UPDATED PRIZES:
First Place: A Post-Apoc Book Pack containing Candor by Pam Bachorz and Feed by MT Anderson
Second Place: A Fairy Tale Book Pack containing As You Wish by Jackson Pearce and Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris (a classic, I tell you)
Third Place: A Maze Book Pack containing The Maze Runner by James Dashner and The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
So without further ado, the winners, in no particular order:
First Place -- Sandy Shin
Second Place -- exploringeliza
Third Place -- Chanelle Gray
Shoot your addresses to seesarawrite(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll get the books in the mail to you!
You ALL rock, and I wish I could give every single one of you a book. I seriously cannot thank you enough; you just made the close of my quarter so, so much easier. And once I get the results in a viable format, I will post them here for everyone to see. Hopefully along with news of my shiny, exciting A+.
Again, THANK YOU!!
Congrats, winners! So glad we all came through for you, Sara :)
Congratulations winners!
Sara - so happy to have helped!
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
I'm just glad I could help! I remember doing projects like that and it would have been a tremendous help had I been blogging then.
I can imagine you responding to your professor with a desperate look on your face, saying "30 writer friends? Where will I find them?" while laughing internally.
Glad to help!
Oh wow! I'm so amazed I won! Congrats to the other winners! :)
Congrats to the winners, and I'm sorry I didn't get my survey to you sooner! But it's good to see you on the blogsphere again!
You know, I actually forgot there were prizes. I just like surveys!
Yay! So happy to have won, and to get to help you out, as well!
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