I spent today being all archaeological. I traipsed through dirt, I sorted sticks, I helped with a GPR (ground penetrating radar) survey. All in all, I'm dirty, I'm slightly sore (heavy sticks. Okay, maybe I'm just out of shape.) and I'm exhausted. This may lead to a rather scattered blog post. Ahem.
Anyway, since it is my 175th blog post (yay!) and it is now my favorite time of the year (fall!) I figured a contest was long overdue. So, here shall lie my first contest as an AGENTED AUTHOR! Can I get a woot-woot?
Here is the premise:
Below you will see a picture of me holding a giant bag of candy.
Halloween is a DANGEROUS TIME, my friends. If the bag of candy with the screaming lady and the creepy font doesn't tell you that, I don't know what will. With Halloween comes lots and lots and LOTS of bags of very cheap assorated deliciousness. Cheap deliciousness + college student = Holy crap, I just gained five pounds.
So, yesterday, I bought the bag of deliciousness you see above. Because I am 1) tired and 2) tired, the contest will be simple.
1) Leave a comment on this post with your guess as to when I will finish this bag of candy.
2) Person closes to the right day will win an assortment of Halloween goodness, such as: candy (duh), scary stuff, candy, and writing-related Halloween goodies. And candy.
To make it easier: I will have this bag finished before Halloween, so put your guess between now (the 5th) and Halloween (the 31st).
To make myself seem like less of a pig: The assortment of candies I have are 100 Grand bars, Oh Henry!s, Goobers, and Raisinets. There are some peanuts and raisins in there, people. Healthy, right? Right? Yes. That's what I keep telling myself.
To make myself seem like even less of a pig: My family ate a few (and will probably eat a few more) already. I won't be consuming EVERY piece of this 60-piece assortment. All the 100 Grand bars, yes. But all the Oh Henry!s? Probably not.
To make myself seem like a pig: I've eaten three pieces just writing this blog post. But hey, I did a lot of physical labor today. Yeah.
And I promise, promise, cross-my-heart kind of promise, not to look at any of your comments until I have finished the bag of candy and can admit that I am a chocolate-addicted pig. Oink.
Let the guessing begin!
Hmm...by the 17th. I think, you will have consumed what you consider the entire bag by the 17th of October...
I'm going to have to go with the 14th!
I sense a burn out....October 30th, and you will only grudgingly finish the last piece........because you promised you would.
I'll give you til Friday, the 9th.
If it were me, it'd be gone already.
Yeah, I'll go with the 11th. I think I'd be done already too. I keep seeing the bags at the grocery store, but I know if I buy one I'll eat it all myself.
I'm thinking the 22nd. Now pace yourself...
Haha you crack me up! Ok, I was going to guess the 12th but that's real close to Natalie's, so, I'll go with the 13th, because 13 is my lucky number, and because it's the month of Halloween! OoooOooooOoo....
Someone took my guess. :P I was gonna say the 13th since it's my anniversary and I like the number 13...BUT I'll go for a few days after and say the 16th.
If it was me, that whole bag would be gone by the end of this weekend :P Sad but true.
ughhh, people keep on taking my days...
I'm going with October 18th though.
...if October 13th, or 16th is the final date, I will be mad. :) ...
I'll take the 20th, for no reason whatsoever. I have no justification. Just a stab in the dark. ;)
You will finish by the 15th!
Monday, October 12!
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