**For my most up-to-date happenings, check out my Tumblr page: sararaasch.tumblr.com.**

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My friend Samantha is amazing.

Not only is she now among the realm of the agented authors, and living in France, and married to a guy straight out of a romance novel, she's also a romance guru who started this blog:

"Some Boys Are Toads: Tales from the Dark Side of the Dating Pond."

And guess who is a contributor? Yep. ME. I know, right? Not like you ever would've guessed that I would have dating horror stories.

*watches all my ex's shudder with terror*

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. But while you're being afraid, go check out the blog, because it's pure awesomeness for all ages. Dating blunders are the universal heartache that afflicts all women. At least on that blog, we can try to find a cure!


Samantha Vérant said...

We all know you are made of awesome. And so are your posts!

Renee Collins said...

haha, I checked out the blog. It looks hilarious. What a fun idea. :)

Jill Hathaway said...

AWESOME! Going to check it out now!

Anonymous said...

hey sara, this is really cool. thanks for spreading the word!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog through hers! Can't wait to check out the new blog. Sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

hey sara, great to have an update on your life! i was just wondering if you had a goodreads account. you probably don't have time to start on one while you're dealing with moving madness but if you're already on there i would love to be able to use it to check out what you're reading! let me know if i should look for you on goodreads!