**For my most up-to-date happenings, check out my Tumblr page: sararaasch.tumblr.com.**

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Best. Day. EVER.

Remember when I said I wanted steampunk goggles?


And I plan on wearing them as a headband no matter how many people call me Ramona Flowers. Or maybe just so people will call me Ramona Flowers.

God, I love renaissance festivals.


Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

I am so jealous.

Adam Heine said...

Ditto previous comment. Also wondering why there isn't a picture of you wearing them like Ramona Flowers.

Shannon Messenger said...

OMG WANT! Except...I want a picture of you in them. :)

Also--HI! Sorry I've been so MIA. Can someone please slow down life????

Hope things are going well!

Sara B. Larson said...

I want to see a picture of you wearing them, too! Those are awesome. :)

erin f. danehy said...


Also, I agree with the photo demands!

Jill Wheeler said...


Samantha Vérant said...

Ditto. We need a photo. With you in THEM. What's up with the lame-o table shot? After that, you can hold a contest and make us do weird things too. The prize? I, I mean, we win your goggles. Mwa-ha-ha-ha

Lisa_Gibson said...

Nice! Those totally rock. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Dara said...


I wanted to dress steampunk for a Halloween party this year but I doubt that's gonna happen...

Anonymous said...

Those are the coolest things ever. Now that I know those exist I feel naked without them.

Anonymous said...

SARA! Hey your new layout looks so cool! I love it! I came across your website when I was going through my favorites! and I don't think I have ever commented on a blog so hope this works HAHAH....sarah k

Amie Kaufman said...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Get out of town! Those are AWESOME!

A Pen In Neverland: Angela Peña Dahle said...

Just lovely!