**For my most up-to-date happenings, check out my Tumblr page: sararaasch.tumblr.com.**

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I get to do something AMAZING tomorrow.

I get to go to UTAH.


Namely this freakishly awesome Ninja Woman, whom I have adored distantly for 2-ish years. And tomorrow, nay, in mere HOURS, I get to MEET HER. Face to FACE. Pirate to NINJA. Cutlass to THROWING STAR.

Can you feel the IMPORTANCE? I can. I can feel it.

I promise promise (cross my heart, hope to die, stick a peg-leg in my eye) that I will fill you all in with massive amounts of pictures and stories of Utah excitement when I get back next week. But until I return, I will be AWOL from the general social networking community. (Facebook and I have been at odds lately anyway. Twitter I'm okay with, Blogger too, but Facebook. Grr, Facebook. We need a break. It's not you, it's me. No, actually, it's you. You kind of make my life suck a little.)

To sum up: I get to meet someone I never would've known if it weren't for the sheer awesomeness of the writing community. The fact that writing brought me to know Natalie and a whole plethora of fantastic people is more mind-blowingly amazing than a book deal ever could be.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go re-color my rather faded purple hair streak. Can't have the Utahns thinking us Ohioans are unkempt.


Natalie Whipple said...

I just quite Facebook today. I feel so free and happy:) Also, I'm cleaning like crazy...okay not really. I SHOULD be though.

K. M. Walton said...

Well you guys sound pretty excited, so I'm sure you'll have a great time. I love adventures. Enjoy!!!! And do take pictures.

Janet Johnson said...

Have a great time! Just got back from Utah myself, and I'm very relieved to hear you're touching up your streak. :)

Lisa_Gibson said...

So cool! I'm totally jealous. :) Have a super awesome time.

Samantha Vérant said...

I knew I recognized Nathalie! She's been here from the beginning! I'm jealous. You guys are going to have so. much. fun. Guess you have to come to here one of these days. Not that it's far or anything like that. Have a great time!!!

Tara Maya said...

That is so cool.

Kaity Hall said...

That is so awesome. Shame you couldn't come up to Idaho while you're in Utah. I'd love to meet the famous pirate girl!! Have a grand ole time!!!!! :)


Dara said...

Have fun! I'll have lots of pics to look forward to when I get back from my own vacation. And I must admit, I am also looking forward to unplugging from the interwebz for six days.

Candice said...

LUCKY! I love Natalie!

Sara B. Larson said...

It was so fun to meet you yesterday! hope you had fun at the Gateway (and everything else). Good luck with everything!